Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is Technology Destroying Privacy



Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...

iSpy someone in a white shirt...

it's cool that technology allows us the ability to zoom in on a random person walking


at the same time, knowing that some random person could be watching me as i walk down the street, is somewhat unsettling.

overall though, i believe these advances in technology are inevitable. As long as my identity is not stolen as a result of new technology, I'm okay with it all.


Anonymous said...

I think this is pretty cool way to just show exactly how close an eye the government is watching. Having grown up in Washington DC, I have personally seen the growth in the surveillance to the point there is almost a camera on every singly corner. They are watching you everywhere you go. To take is a step further, remember Minority Report, the movie, remember how they would scan the eyes of people walking by and advertise to them by name. With the ability of technology like this camera, I don't think we are to far off. I guess only the future will tell.

Anonymous said...

Very powerful.

I really disagree with that group comment. Maybe it's just me...but being able to zoom in and follow me around is almost as bad as identity theft. Tracking my patterns, knowing what I'm wearing, who I'm talking to...eek, I say.

I worry over who is able to watch me.