Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do dogs go to heaven? I have a dog (CHESTER) who is 12 a year old Chesapeake bay retriever. He lives at my house in Maine by the water, my idea of heaven on earth. He is getting to the golden years (AARP)... in other words he'll only live a few more... When he dies does he go to heaven?
 I want to know what John Mccain would say. What is his position on the issue. Sara must have some advice for me, I haven't had the chance to have a beer with someone to ask this important question... I'm sure Sara would be completely qualified to handle this tough question. Which is why I support Sara Palin for Vice-president of the United States. 
 She has answers for the tough questions in life. She can be an outlet when I can't make it to the bar. I can reflect on the inspiration that is her life, because I believe that Wasilla, Alaska is a microcosm of America. With it's 7,025 residents (85.46% White, 0.59% Black or African American, 5.25% Native American, 1.32% Asian, 0.13% Pacific Islander, 1.32% from other races, 3.68% Hispanic or Latino.) perfectly represents the great U.S.A. 
Is Chester going to doggie heaven? I don't know, but I rest assured that when it's his time, God will be smiling on America's excitative branch. 

For a religious perspective go here Do Dogs Go To Heaven (funny)


Jen, the Cookie Empress said...

When your doggie dies he will go to a magic happy land where people will rub behind his ears, play with him whenever, and give him a spot at the dinner table with a heaping plate of smoked hickory bacon.

As for the pictures- hilarious. Were they done by churchsigngenerator?

JD Pribor said...

My mother said that my dog is nto dead but at some doggy farm where he is happy and free.

On another note, is it really that bad to be religious? I see that you are brining up some questions of religion and the right that might have you frightened. I believe that religion is a great place to get some values in life and the fact that a president and running mate having faith is not a bad thing.

Plus, did you know that the NY Times (a.k.a. the Old Grey Lady) Published that doctered photo....

Anonymous said...

"Excitative branch"...Zing!