I SPY was not a book I expected it to be. I was disappointed in the school book store for not carrying one single copy of I SPY. Lucky i found it in the schools Curr Library,...Which naturally I thought would suggest current events... as I know this book was a recent publication.
To naturally start at the end of my experience with I SPY I will say...I found no liberal tone. Nothing that made me feel as though some one was watching me; more that I was watching some one, or say for something. Even to the most open interpretation, i found not one single instance where i felt the current administration was under attack....(Save maybe the reference to cowboy boots and white doves on page 9)...
The book was bigger than I expected... about fourteen inches by 9 inches.. much larger that my usual school texts. I find that the first chapter really spells out the theme of the book, (in what I would call a strong thesis statement)
"I spy a hammer, a rabbit, a pail, A whistle, a button, a horse on it's tail; A pencil, a Penguin, a car that is blue- What else should you find? The Blocks give the clue."1
*1 At first I do not agree with the author, I say... "You are wrong, I do not see a rabbit or a pail"... The Deeper into the book I looked... the more I saw from the perspective of the author. The things that he said all turned out to be TRUE>>> There were hidden meanings masked behind what seemed to be blocks scattered about. But under further reflection and research, I am able to see the authors true message. Along with the other crazy stuff i found, was hidden more stuff... J-A-C-K-S... I found my self scanning all that I had read before... looking back to places I thought i looked at carefully!! Once again the book does not disappoint... jacks were clearly visible on both pages eight and nine...
I quickly turn to the second page.... I find it quite the page turner....
Through the book I found many central themes... I have to agree with many of my class mates in these central themes. Surveillance... I definitely felt that this theme carried throughout the book. The importance of close surveillance is quite clearly the authors main objective. PRIVACY... Page two down right creeped me out, it described (by showing a direct picture of ) the inside of little kids rooms. Something I found to be down right disturbing , cutting straight to the core dangers of government surveillance....
*1This book affected me in such a profound way I was even pressed to go above and beyond the assignment... By reading the appendix "EXTRA CREDIT RIDDLES" and "MORE MYSTERIES". I found both to be tying the book together by sending the reader back to pages already covered.
1.First Scholastic Printing® 1993